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Vol. 4, Issue 2
Writing Tips

Write better! Right now!

Business writing is a waste of time...

...if it fails to communicate the right information.

Consider these true examples:

bulletA successful computer company lost $35 million in a single quarter when customers returned its new model in droves because the manual was unreadable. The company eventually went bankrupt.
bulletPoorly written memos are considered a root cause of the Challenger disaster, according to an analysis by Professor Dorothy Winsor, PhD.
bulletAccording to a study, Navy personnel could spend 17 to 23 percent less time reading documents if they were more clearly written and save taxpayers $27 to $57 million.
bulletA top oil company once spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on a new pesticide, one that had already been developed by one of its technicians five years earlier. The report was so poorly written, no one had read it.
bulletOne nuclear plant supervisor ordered "ten foot long lengths" of radioactive material. Instead of the ten-foot pieces he needed, he received ten foot-long pieces. The expense was so great it was later classified, all because of a missing hyphen!

How much time and money has your organization lost because of a misunderstood memo or poorly written sales letter? Can your organization really afford to waste precious resources on miscommunication?

Your organization can improve how it communicates. Unfortunately, most books and seminars on business writing are of little help. They are based on outdated methods that focus on error and only reinforce our fear of writing and cause writer’s block—methods that, unfortunately, are prevalent in many high school and college classrooms today.

This is where Innovative Communication Solutions comes in

Our seminar, "How to Unlock Your Business Writing Potential," is based on cutting-edge research and proven success strategies for effective writing. Participants learn a common-sense writing process—the JustWrite™ method. They will leave the seminar with an array of practical, easy-to-use tools for better writing.

Writers and business executives alike have successfully used the information presented at this seminar to write more effectively and efficiently. These skills can be easily learned and applied to any writing situation.

Because writing is learned by writing, attendees will have ample opportunities to practice all of the skills presented. They will receive immediate feedback on their writing through one-on-one consultation with the seminar leader.

Seminar overview

This custom seminar is designed to help business professionals become better business writers. Here's how it works.

Seminar features

Learn from the latest knowledge of how good writers really write! More.

Seminar contents

Find out more about what we'll cover.

Seminar Q&A

Who should attend? What will they receive? Learn more.

Recommended reading

Check out these excellent resources.


Need an immediate quote on a writing project? 

Or need an estimate for a customized business writing seminar? 

Send an e-mail message to Kevin Orfield at or call 262-236-0110.


Orfield Communications, 319 Woodside Ln., Thiensville, WI 53092, fax: 262-236-0120.

Copyright 2003 Kevin Orfield