ASK THE EDITOR Vol. 3, Issue 1 2002 http://kevinorf.tripod.com ----- IN THIS ISSUE: WORD POWER - WORDS AND AMBIGUITY - STRATEGIES FOR INCREASING WORD POWER - ACTUAL HEADLINES - QUOTES - QUESTIONS FOR READERS - PREVIOUS READER REPLIES - ASK THE EDITOR QUESTION ----- WORDS AND AMBIGUITY As my four-year-old son was getting dressed the other day, he paused to do his best Rocky Balboa impersonation: "I'm a boxer, Dad," he growled. "I'm wearing boxer shorts." It had never occurred to me until that moment--despite the obvious connection--that boxer shorts resembled, well, boxer's shorts. One man's Hanes is another man's (or boy's, in this case) pugilistic garb. The incident illustrates the slippery, ambiguous nature of language. Mark Twain once said, "The difference between the right word and almost the right word is really a large matter--'tis the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning." Yet, despite our best efforts, words come many layered, loaded with meanings and connotations. Try this experiment at home or in your office. Ask a group of people to think of a tree. Then go around the room and have everyone tell you what came to mind. Here are the answers I got: Christmas tree, maple tree, oak tree, pine tree, redwood, palm tree, and Joshua tree. Not a single answer was the same. It is widely believed that every word has an indisputable meaning and that dictionaries are the ultimate authority on the "true" meaning of words. The truth is, no two people experience language exactly the same way so the meaning of a word will vary slightly--or greatly--from person to person. Because meaning resides not in the word itself, but in the minds of those who use it, meaning is to a great extent amorphous. In fact, modern linguists would argue that, because no two contexts are ever exactly the same, no word has exactly the same meaning twice. A dictionary, then, is not a book of laws, but a historical record of our language. Dictionaries reflect the constantly changing nature of language. We are continually coming up with new words--and new meanings for old words--to reflect new inventions, new experiences, and cultural change. Dictionary editors don't define how words are used. On the contrary, they continuously study how people use words to see if any new meanings are emerging. (For an excellent treatment of this subject, see "The English Language in the Dictionary" section of Webster's Ninth Collegiate Dictionary.) Meaning ultimately depends on verbal, social, and physical contexts. Think for a moment about how you learn new words. If you had never played golf before and were completely unfamiliar with its terminology, it's more than likely that you would come away with a better understanding of the words "irons," "woods," "green," "slice," "hook," and "tee" after playing a few rounds with experienced golfers. These words take on quite different meanings in other contexts outside of the golf course. That said, language is still an incredibly powerful shared code that allows us to communicate with each other. The following section describes strategies for increasing word power. ----- STRATEGIES FOR INCREASING WORD POWER - Avoid redundant phrases such as illegal crimes, completely finish, basic fundamentals, future plans, or close proximity. - Avoid starting a sentence with "There are…" Not: "There are many drivers who avoid signaling." But: "Many drivers avoid signaling." - Turn nouns into verbs. Not: "He made a decision to play pool." But: "He decided to play pool." - Get rid of "who are" and "which are." Not: "Children who are in the street should be disciplined." But: "Children in the street should be disciplined." - Cut prepositional phrases whenever possible. Not: "We are in need of talented writers." But: "We need talented writers." - Avoid "to be" in sentences like, "Ruth is considered to be the greatest hitter." Instead: "Ruth is considered the greatest hitter." - Delete meaningless words: kind of, actually, particularly, really, certain, virtually, individually, basically, generally, given, various, practically. Instead of: "Winning depends on certain factors that basically include discipline and persistence." Write: "Winning depends on discipline and persistence." - Avoid "the fact that." Instead of "due to the fact that," "in light of the fact that," or "owing to the fact that," write "because" or "since." Instead of "despite the fact that" or "regardless of the fact that," write "although" or "even though." - Replace phrases with a word. For example, instead of "in the event that," use "if"; instead of "on the occasion that," use "when"; instead of "in reference to," use "about"; instead of "it is possible that," use "may"; and instead of "in the very near future," use "soon." - Use clear, simple words, for example, "total" instead of "aggregate," "help" instead of "facilitate," "start" instead of "commencement," "meet" instead of "interface," and "find out" instead of "ascertain." - Avoid pretentious words or phrases, for example, instead of "tendered her resignation," use "quit" or instead of "impacted positively by," use "improved." - Avoid antiquated, overly formal phrases such as "pursuant to our conversation" and "as per your request." If you wouldn't use a phrase in everyday conversation, don't use it in writing. - Understand the difference between commonly confused words such as affect/effect, continual/continuous, and farther/further. - Avoid jargon. Although people inside your industry might understand certain buzz words, others may not. A good rule of thumb is to use the least technical term necessary for your audience. Use jargon only if it is understood by almost everyone in your audience. - Avoid sexist terms such as man-hours or fireman. - Use original language instead of worn out clichés such as "bury the hatchet," "hit the nail on the head," or "take the ball and run with it." ----- ACTUAL HEADLINES Double meanings illustrate the ambiguous nature of language. Consider these actual headlines: - Police can't stop gambling - Fonda gives poor exercise, acting tips - U.S. ships head to Somalia - Clinton visits hurt soldiers - Voter fears alert politicians (Source: Fractured English, by Richard Lederer.) ----- QUOTES "Words are loaded pistols." Jean-Paul Sartre "Words are … awkward instruments and they will be laid aside eventually, probably sooner than we think." William Burroughs "All my life I've looked at words as though I were seeing them for the first time." Ernest Hemingway "There are too many words in prose, and they take up altogether too much room." Edwin Arlington Robinson "A writer lives in awe of words for they can be cruel or kind, and they can change their meanings right in front of you. They pick up flavors and odors like butter in a refrigerator." John Steinbeck "My writing does not come from unusual words, but from the explosion of meaning which comes from the unexpected collision of ordinary words. When I watch my writing I often see miniature fireworks display, as words and phrases collide, explode, and ignite explosions on the page." Donald Murray "Writing is easy. All you have to do is cut out the wrong words." Mark Twain ------ QUESTIONS FOR READERS What is your favorite word? What is your least favorite word? How do you go about finding the "right" word when you are writing? ----- PREVIOUS READER REPLIES What writing "myths" are you aware of? This keeps getting better and better! I'm very impressed. As for writing myths, I think the most important one I want to dispel is that people will only want to read writing that makes them feel good. As a writer, I want to make people feel. Therefore, it's critical to find your voice as a writer, to say exactly what it is you most want to say. To make your way through the mud and the muck to who you are and what you want to tell the world. If what you want to tell the world isn't sweet and light, then so be it. I guarantee you that every one of your readers has been through a thousand moments of darkness. Reading your struggles, your doubts, your fears will make them feel like they're not alone. So, don't worry about turning readers off by not making them feel good. Just make them feel. Jim Warda, author, Where Are We Going So Fast? (www.wherearewegoingsofast.com) Thanks for forwarding this on. Ironically my senior year project in undergrad was on why not everyone is able to write in the linear model taught by high school teachers. Diane Augustine ----- ASK THE EDITOR QUESTION What are the best reference books to use for writing? Neal Kasche Style books: The Associated Press Stylebook and Libel Manual (for journalistic and public relations writing) and The Chicago Manual of Style (for scholarly writing and book publishing). Dictionary: Merriam-Webster's Tenth New Collegiate Dictionary. Usage: New Fowler's Modern English Usage. (Personally, I find Strunk and White's Elements of Style pedantic and hopelessly out of date.) Publishing: Words Into Type. In a future issue of Ask the Editor, I'll cover writing reference books in more detail. "The Editor" Stumped by a style issue or perplexed by a punctuation problem? In each issue, I answer a question submitted by a reader. Send your question today! ***** Copyright 2002 Kevin Orfield Need an immediate quote on a writing project? Or need an estimate for a customized business writing seminar? Call a writing consultant you can depend on. Kevin Orfield, MA Writing Consultant 262-236-0110 Fax: 262-236-0120
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