

Seminar Q&A

This highly effective program features:

bulletThe easy-to-learn JustWrite™ process that can be used for every writing situation.
bulletHands-on, workshop learning environment. Learn by doing.
bulletCutting-edge writing strategies and methods used successfully by professional writers and business executives. Learn from the latest knowledge of how good writers really write!

Here’s what you’ll learn from this powerful seminar:

bulletProven techniques for generating ideas.
bulletSuccessful ways to plan your writing projects.
bulletEasy-to-use methods for organizing content.
bulletSimple ways to tailor your message to the needs of your reader.
bulletHow to quickly and clearly identify your purpose and audience.
bulletKeys to writing effective openings and closers.
bulletEasy approaches to choose the right word and avoid jargon and "corporatese."
bulletWays to write concise and effective sentences and paragraphs and eliminate "dead wood."
bulletSystematic methods for editing and proofreading.
bulletHow to use your own voice to make your writing natural and conversational.


Need an immediate quote on a writing project? 

Or need an estimate for a customized business writing seminar? 

Send an e-mail message to Kevin Orfield at kevinorf@netwurx.net or call 262-236-0110.


Orfield Communications, 319 Woodside Ln., Thiensville, WI 53092, fax: 262-236-0120.

Copyright 2003 Kevin Orfield